When most people hear the word 'dildo', they usually think of textured silicone and rubber; soft to the touch in an attempt to get it looking and feeling as lifelike as possible. And while these options can lead you to a lot of fun in the bedroom, a glass dildo can take your pleasure to the next level. Whether you've been unsure about experimenting with these types of toys or simply haven't heard of them before, continue reading to find out why this should be in your arsenal of sex toys.
They stimulate sensitive areas more easily
Wanting to hit that G-spot just right but nothing seems to be working? A glass dildo might be exactly what you need. As glass options are denser, they are able to put more pressure on your sex spots, increasing stimulation in those areas and creating huge waves of pleasure for you and your partner. If you want to take your sex life to new heights, this is just the thing to help you do it.
They're comfortable... yes, really
Many people cringe at the thought of being penetrated by a dildo, assuming it will be comfortable at best and painful at worst. However, the reality couldn't be further from the truth. Unlike silicone or rubber based alternatives- which can pull against your skin if not wet or lubed up enough- glass creations slide in and out of you with ease. They're smooth and easy to manoeuvre, exactly what you want when you're playing with yourself or a partner.
They can be adjusted to different temperatures
Playing with different temperatures can be a lot of fun, and a glass dildo helps you do this unlike any other sex toy. Depending on what you're into, you can heat them up or cool them down before you start playing. for someone wanting to try something different, this can be a lot of fun as it can give a completely different experience as you notice the change in temperature throughout your body.
They are easy to clean
You might even say that they're the easiest sex toy to clean on the market. As glass is non- porous, all you need to do is give it a good rinse with non-perfumed soap after each use. No special sprays or cleaners needed, unlike their silicone counterparts. Plus, when you take good care of your glass toy, they can last a lifetime... literally. They don't deteriorate and with appropriate handling you could keep using it for years and years.